Commodore Perry of the US forced Japan to trade, which led to Japan opening its ports to more trade. MacGregor comments that this time signaled a shift toward greater economic power for Japan.
<em><u>Descriptions of the setting, particularly the names of the streets, indicate "Araby" does not take place in the United States.*</u></em>
<em>*See explanation for a more in-depth answer</em>
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There are subtle ‘hints,’ or details, presented throughout the story that show “Araby” is not taking place in the United States. For starters, the story states these two specific street names: “North Richmond Street” and “Buckingham Street.” Now, these are two street names that America does have. There is a Richmond Street located in Palmdale, California and there is a Buckingham Street in Fullerton, California. Based on this information alone one might (unknowingly & incorrectly) assume that the story is taking place in America. However, there is one sentence in the story that reveals this story could not have taken place in the United States. Read the first sentence of “Araby”:
<em>“North Richmond Street, being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers' School set the boys free.”</em>
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According to this sentence, there is a Christian Brothers’ School located on North Richmond Street. Only one place in the world has an all boys school located on a street called North Richmond. That place is Dublin, Ireland. Therefore, based on the gathered information, it is safe to say that this story takes place in Dublin, Ireland; not the United States.
<em>FUN FACT:</em>
<em>The Christian Brothers’ School on North Richmond Street changed its name to O’Connell Secondary School.</em>
The Scarlet Ibis, the older brother loves his younger brother. He teaches him to walk, to play, etc. Then, one day the older a younger brother walk to a tree and the older brother gets angry and runs away. The younger brother is ill and can't run. When the younger brother attempts to run after his older brother, he runs out of air and dies. The older brother feels horrible and the younger brother dying reminded the older brother of the scarlet ibis that had died earlier in the story. Both were helpless.
Is the jacket <u>on the couch</u> yours or mine?
The word modified by <u>on the couch</u> is jacket.
On the couch is a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase is a phrase that starts with a preposition, in this case ON, and shows where an object is located, COUCH.
Where is the jacket? ON THE COUCH.
Prepositional phrase is composed of a preposition plus an optional modifier plus a noun or a pronoun or a gerund.
isnt the red flower fire?