«Qu'est-ce que vous ......faites .................?Nous, nous faisons un test de français.
je fais,
tu fais,
il, elle, on fait
nous faisons,
vous faites,
ils, elles font
C'est le crayon du frère de Sophie.
<em>DU est la contraction de = de +le</em>
<em />
Les parents ont monté la tente
Théo a fait un feu de camp
Mathilde a perdu sa lampe de poche.
J'ai ouvert deux boites de conserves.
La boîte d’allumettes est à côté du réchaud.
Most of these sentences are in the passé composé.
So once you get the subject and auxiliary verb-- forms of avoir-- in agreement, the rest of the objects fall into place.
The tricky part here is that a number of terms that are one word in English are phrases in French:
a campfire >> un feu de camp
her flashlight >> sa lampe de poche
two cans >> deux boites de conserves
The matchbox >> La boîte d’allumettes
beside >> à côté de
and vice-versa:
A two-word verb in English is one word in French.
put up >>monté
<span>The scene takes place in Hastings. It is about 16h, it is the end of the courses. Matthew and Tim enjoy the sunshine of September, to go to the beach. Going to the beach, Tim sees the girls. He looks at them carefully and finds them pretty. But Matthew is jealous, he warns him, there is Katie his girlfriend. Matthew describes her, wearing a purple t-shirt with jeans and she's blonde. But Tim sees two! That's normal Katie and Jenny are twins! Tim asks him "How do you recognize them?" Matthew answers "It's simple, Katie has blue eyes and Jenny has green eyes!". Tim realizes that Matthew laughs at him and says, "You do not care about me, how do you see him at this distance?" Actually, Katie is a little taller than Jenny. Then, Tim and Matthew decide to join them and have fun with them.</span>
Ma mère achète..........poisson et .....,...viande translates to My mother buys .......... fish and ....., ... meat in English