Aztec and the Norse afterlife had several of special heavenly places for the warriors who died in battles, while other warriors or individuals are sent to the cold and terrifying underworld, known as Niflheim or can be referred to as hell for short. Individuals who are placed in the heavenly places are the people who have done numerous of generous deeds and/or have suffered misfortunes in their lives.
Answer and Explanation:
This question is about "The dirty English."
The uncle tried to defend the English by trying to justify the behavior that the English had and that were very different from the behavior of the Hindus. It is likely that the uncle is more tolerant of the English than his grandmother because Uncle lived two years in England and learned to judge the English based on English culture and not based on Hindu culture, as the grandmother did.
The Mouse in "If you give a mouse a cookie", he has a cookie and wants the other thing afterwards. Three qualities the mouse has is he is smart, sometimes greedy and cravings
R - Ponyboy should've participated in the rumble
A - Yes because there'll be no weapons
C Chapter 9 Page 134
E Even though Ponyboy doesn't like the idea of confrontation, he likes to help others and he would increase the Greasers's chances of winning.
OMG I LOVE THE BOOK, I have it on hard copy lol