1. Meaningful parts means words that make sense; words you can understand. Flagpole would become flag and pole.
2. What does flag mean? A piece of cloth, usually rectangular, of distinctive color and design, used as a symbol, standard, signal, or emblem. What does pole mean? A long, cylindrical, often slender piece of wood, metal, etc.
3. A symbolic cloth on a pole, or meant to be on a pole, would be called flagpole.
4. Use these steps and summarize them in your own words.
Hope this helps!
need more info
i have no clue what am i doing
Wild birds are green, with yellow heads, and black barring across the wings. Their beaks are quite small, and the base of the bill is usually blue. They are just six or seven inches long, and weigh no more than an ounce. These birds have long, pointed tails and wings.
For me, personally, Romeo's love never seemed real, especially if you take into consideration that Romeo and Juliet knew each other for about a month, or so. You cannot start loving someone in such a short period of time, especially given that Romeo is like 18, and Juliet 14.
Compared to modern ideas of love, their love is much more romanticized, it no longer exists (if it ever did), and it seems quite unreal.