The tax to $2.99 would be the extra 1 cent you would have to pay so that it would become $3.00. Additional tax may be added like 6 cent or something but that only depends on the store or place you go to.
The huge volcanic plateau that extends through most of southern India is known as the Deccan Plateau.
This a triangular shaped plateau that extends in southern India, it has elevation of 100 meters on the north and gets higher and reaches up to 1000 meters on the south. It represents a remnant of an ancient volcano.
God has always been here which might seem weird to think about. God also created everything from ex nihilo (from nothing).
Atheists might ask this question to trip us up but you can also reverse the question... what was there before the big bang? what created that?
Eastern Mediterranean denotes the religion in the east of the Mediterranean Sea (the Levantine sea) in Western Asia. It includes the region of Syria(in the levant), the island of Cyprus, Anatolia, and Egypt
The body is too cold, so the body tries to keep itself cool by overheating. But, though a likely scenario, would require the body to be frostbitten, and overexposed, and would supply as a sort of plan B for the body to maintain an equilibrium with its temperature; reacting to the conditions around it, and trying to maintain balance within itself.