They were then both given someone beneath them to make the tetrarchy
The government should not interfere in business
He was angry about the debt collections and tax policies/rules in Massachusetts in 1786-1787. He felt that big businesses were taking advantage of the poor farmers. He also felt that veterans were getting treated unfairly.
The three branches are Legislative, Executive, and Judaical branch each controlling different parts of our government. The legislative branch is in control of creating laws. The legislative branch consist of the house of representatives and senates. Next we have executive now executive is in charge of enforcing these laws when we create a law it first starts as a bill and then goes through congress in'till it reaches the president and if he passes the bill it will become a law. The executive branch consist of the President, and the cabinet. Then we have the judicial branch, the judicial branch is in charge of punishing people who broken these laws or to interpret them. The judicial branch consist of courts, and our judges.
Hope this helps.