Quiet neighborhood
What would you prefer? A busy city or a quiet neighborhood. This is a question that may trouble your brain. In my opinion, both of these have their pros and cons. A city with commercial needs and daily life resources is hustling and busy. In contrast, a quiet neighborhood is where you can observe the beautiful greenery and nature around you, and go around with your daily work without any disturbance. Living in a city, there are many cons such as the city has many factories which can cause health issues but in a quiet neighborhood, you can live a healthy life but the con is that the neighborhoods are mostly away from the main civilization. Cities generally have better infrastructure, an education system, and advanced health care facilities. You get to meet people from all walks of life, and learn to coexist with people from different ethnicity, race, caste, and culture; hence you become more tolerant, and open-minded and start respecting each other differences. Whereas countryside people are less tolerant, the caste system still prevails and the powers lie with a certain group of people.
What is her eye color? If that's you're question, the answer is Blue, Like baby blue, light blue, you know what I mean? That type of shade.
Correct answer is C.
"Yield to any road users who arrived before you",
We can apply this to the road situation. When we are in a situation of a four-way stop with no traffic light, the first car that arrives at the intersection has "the right of way" or he has the priority to go first. The location of the cars or their direction don't have any importance; the car that arrives first at the intersection has the priority to go first ( first in, first out).
I would most likely to ask him in the first place to put his share in the work. I will ask the team members to help him if he is unable to understand the work. But if he is not doing his work just because he is too lazy to do that, then i would ask my supervisor or the team manager to give him warning and if he continues to do so, then we would least likely to demand of his firing out of the team.