As regards Mexican culture and country, there might be a lot of things to take into account. For example, they have a wide variety of food that are worth to try. Such as tacos, fajitas and burritos. then, you can have some typical drinks like Margaritas (alcohol drink).
their clothes are full of colours, you can try on a Mexican hat which are presented in different sizes.
You might also enjoy some music. Mariachis are the most tradicional singers and musician. They can sing you "serenatas" in the street.
Usted dijo una mentira.
Carmen y yo traducimos un poema de amor.
Mis amigos estuvieron en una fiesta.
Tú pusiste una música bailable.
Carmen y yo estuvimos en la boda de Rafael.
1.Yo toco ese reloj
2.Yo toco estos libros
3.Yo toco aquellas sillas
4.Yo toco esa carpeta
5.Yo toco estos bolígrafos
6.Yo toco aquellas mesas
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