1. ninguna
2. tampoco
3. ni
4. algún
Indefinite pronouns are a class of words with an adjective, pronoun or adverb value that give the name different values. They can express a quantity, diversity, equality, quality, distribution, etc. There are also affirmative and negative words to talk about affirmative or negative situations.
Affirmative words
algo - something
alguien - someone
algún/a/o/as/os - a, one, some, any*
siempre - always
también - also
Negative words
nada - nothing
nadie - nobody
ningún/ninguno/a - none*
nunca/jamas - never
tampoco - neither
*These words have to match with gender
La aventura - (fem.) /alguna or ninguna
La gorra.
It's the same as hat.
Los guantes means gloves.
El abrigo means coat.
La bufanda means scarf.
Las botas means boots.
La chaqueta means jacket.
UNA casa GRANDE so "una grande" is the answer