Remove! extraneous means irrelevent
Deterioration of America is in the form of chaos, collapse, danger and escaping of hell where technology i taking over the life of people.
Ready player one is a novel which is based on the virtual world that would be in 2045. According to the novel, their is lot of chaos, danger and collapse in the society.
The message that has been given by this novel is the finding of the ways with which people can come out of the hell which is a universe full of pop filled culture references. It says that the technology should not take over your life when attention is needed on the life itself.
There are three (3) main articles used in English language and these are;
1. An: it is a word that is mainly used before words beginning with any of the vowel letters (a, e, i, o and u). It's an indefinite article used for modifying non-specific (unspecific) nouns.
2. A: it is mainly used with consonant sounds or letters. It's an indefinite article used for modifying non-specific (unspecific) nouns.
3. The: it is a definite article used before nouns or superlative adjectives to indicate uniqueness.
In this scenario, the most appropriate article to use is "a" because it describes the position held by Thapa.
Mr. Thapa is a university professor.
The answer is "New England"
An open compound is a word where an adjective is added and creates a new noun, so "New" is added to "England" to create a new noun "New England"
another example of an open compound would be "peanut butter"