As the air over the earth surface gets warmed due to the solar radiation coming from the sun which directly heats the upper atmosphere of the earth and thus the air gets heated up and rest light or energy is absorbed by the ground and reflected into the atmosphere.
Similarly, the altitude has a major role to play in this process as the place near the tropics and equator air is less dense and hence higher absorption as compared to the higher latitudes the air becomes denser and hence lear absorption takes place.
Also with regards to the atmospheric cloud patterns the earth temperatures changes as these bring winds and rainfall and these cool the temperature over the hotter places like air moves from high pressure to low pressure and visa Versa.
Climate change s the process of changes in the level of global sea level and climatic weather patterns around the world that affects the entire ecosystem and carrying capacity of the earth hence, the climate has become such a great phenomenon and the need to address this is quite large.
climate change includes the depletion of ozone that is natural gas that encircles and protects the earth from the harmful effects of the sun and solar activity. We, humans, have destroyed the sustainable fashion of the planet to protect itself at the time of any violent catastrophes.
The grave threat of climate is being realized currently due to the face the climate now is getting out of the hands of the people and this is evident in form of flooding that occurs every tear massive depletion of natural resources and emissions of greenhouse gases.
And the continuous release of harmful gases on earth and the depletion of resources that are needed for the future of the planet is causing many humans to think of living on the moon and other earth-like planets.