I will gladly draw your character for you since I need something to occupy my time, however my tablet is charging and I won't be able to post a very high-quality image here or post a link.
If you can message Echolepzy on DeviantArt I can draw something later tonight and then send it to you there! I usually do paid commissions but, like I said, I need something to occupy my time. ^^'
<u>Use of color and pattern</u> made howling wolf's drawings different from other ledger artists.
Howling Wolf is the only artist who is known to have produced drawings in the pre-reserve era, on the reservation, and at Fort Marion. He is widely regarded as the most significant Plains artist to work on paper during the late nineteenth century. The Plains men drew pictures of their battles and horse raids on available paper, commonly lined accountants' ledgers, in a way similar to how they did on hide robes.
In addition to reflecting Plains systems of representation, which place a strong focus on the protagonists' identities and significant deeds, Howling Wolf's drawings from the first half of the 1870s also exhibit experimental innovation and exceptional technique. He produced drawings at Fort Marion for a variety of reasons, including to sell to tourists, just like many of the younger inmates did.
To learn more about Howling Wolf's drawings here,