lurch means make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements; stagger.
humans,washing mashines,dish washers
Haha! Enjoy your day! Hahahahaha!
d) daco = new Banana;
Dynamically allocated variables have their memory allocated in the heap memory.We declare a dynamical variable like this:-
int *a=new int ;
It means a pointer a is created on the stack memory which hold the address of the block that hold the value of variable a in heap memory.
We already have the pointer daco. We just have to initialize with keyword new.
It will be like daco=new Banana; which matches the option d.
Airplane mode has been set on the tablet.
Joe a frequent visitor to a branch office attempts to connect his tablet to the office wireless network but is unable to connect to the internet even though he has verified that the SSID and password are correct. Joe attempts to connect to a coworker's hotspot but is still unable to connect to the internet.
This is because the Airplane mode has been set on the tablet.