Use of ground troops: Americanization used US ground troops to fight the war whereas Vietnamization used S.Vietnamese ground troops to fight the war.
Johnson moved the US from an aid and financial backer to a ground force with men in active duty on the front lines in addition to naval and air support. Nixon's policy removed the ground troops, leaving the S. Vietnamese to fight that on their own (with our aid and money) but continued our air strikes and naval support.
That's Easy! The people who planted in Ireland were the Irish! #Brainliest:)
1. The crew and supply the ship can carry and handle.
2. The period and duration of exploration. The main issue of every travel and exploration was the time it took the ship from its origin to the supposed destination. The new types of sailing ships was more improved applied with machinery as the centuries past and traveling went from years to months to days.
3. In times of war or conflict
<span>Since 1848, the Rio Grande has marked the boundary between Mexico and the United States. It affected domestic policy in that the river had been a cause for a discord between the US and Mexico and special policies were implemented for the area.</span>
1859 - Natural Selection - Charles Darwin wrote “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life
1865 - Heredity Transmitted in Units - Gregor Mendel’s experiments on peas demonstrate that heredity is transmitted in discrete units. The understanding that genes remain distinct entities even if the characteristics of parents appear to blend in their children explains how natural selection could work and provides support for Darwin’s proposal.
1869 - DNA Isolated - Frederick Miescher isolates DNA from cells for the first time and calls it “nuclein
i think any of will work