I think it is 40% but not sure
if correct please mark as brainliest
It can be a benifet because it boosts economic diplomacy. but can hurt us because taxes will rise due to too much money printing because more people means more money, leading to food, gas and other things pricing to rise.
The new middle class had plenty of food, clothing and shelter to keep their basic needs satisfied. Not only that, they also obtain a lot of lands that left by people who are died during the black death plague, which improve their wealth significantly, making them could afford more luxurious things.Jan 8, 2018
The Marshall Plan was a plan that primarily was created to help recreate the Economic structures in war-torn Europe & Asia. It was used to rebuild infrastructures, repair buildings, etc. It was also a political one, however, as it was used to keep those same countries from becoming communist, by giving them a "democratic aid", it would allow the countries to lean towards having a pro-democratic government.