can define the reasons that why United states have a bicameral congress in historical, practical and theoretical way. If we look
at the historical reason we see that the British Parliament had consisted of
two houses since the 1300s, and if we see practically, the Framers
had to make a two-chambered body to settle down the conflict that is between
the Virginia Plan ( in this plan, there are two houses of congress and the
population will determine the representation in each house) and the New Jersey
Plan (in this plan there is a single house of Congress and each state would have
an equal vote) <span>at Philadelphia in 1787 and theoretically the farmers
preferred a bicameral congress in a way that one house of congress would have
check on the other house.</span>
Congress decides the President
You answer is: The Townshend Acts:
The acts consisted of the Revenue Act of 1767 (which placed a tax on British goods imported into the colonies such as glass, tea, lead, paints and paper), the Commissioners of Customs Act, the Vice Admiralty Act, and the New York Restraining Act.