The spaniards were excited about making a new colony on land that was "Claimed" for them by explorers.
When voting for a president you need to think of what they do for your Country. As an example, will the President add good founding to your area, will the President make fair rights? You need to keep all those things in mind while voting.
the right of trial by jury
Article LXI. Freedom of the press and trial by jury to remain inviolate forever.
Peace is the state of being free from disturbance.
Genuine “world peace”–meaning effective consensus regarding shared sacrifices as well as voluntary cooperation–is theoretically possible.
But “world peace” imposed by a dominant power assisted by a few partners is unlikely because global power is becoming increasingly diversified and contentious.
Worldwide peace is most likely only some decades from now, when threats to humanity’s existence generated by global warming, pollution, etc., become an imminent threat to all.
In brief, only world peace driven by a recognition of the threat to everyone’s survival is the most likely source of salvation for a shortsighted humanity currently not able to see and think beyond the immediate.