Northwestern Europe but mainly the German Irish
The problem faced by Weimar Republic are as follows :
1.Due to the heavy war reparations to be paid Germany was economically very weak.
2. France had occupied the Ruhr region of Germany to forcibly pay the war indemnity.
3. Profit from agriculture diminished and there was a large scale unemployment in the country.
4. The Great Depression totally established the economy and the prosperity of some years came to an end.
5. The weimar Republic could not fulfill the ambition of the people. It was a weak government mostly with coalitions ruling at the Centre. The governments were dissolved very frequently.
This was a genocide committed by the Hutu majority government. They believe that the Tutsis are genetically inferior and without government opposition since Hutus hold the majority they were allowed to commit this genocide pretty much without consequence. Famous genocide because it was mostly committed with axes and machetes and was extremely barbaric
I would be a bit frighnted, as these new people from a different country came into my country, to raise or expand their social, political and economic policies, I wouldnt know what they would do.. would they take over our land?