<span>According to the lecture, women tend to communicate in order to be heard and to be understood. Women in nature are too emotional that it's easy for them to share it. In terms of public speaking, they want to try to point a certain idea.</span>
Somewhat nervous around other people.
If you continue to read the book, he admits to being a socially awkward and quiet person to Anne when they talk with eachother.
A recent study by the U.S. Department of Education suggests that school uniforms can help reduce theft, violence, and the negative effects of peer pressure caused when some students come to school wearing designer clothing and expensive sneakers. ... Less than 1 percent of the students chose not to wear uniforms.
In prima zi de scoala, un baiat pe nume Andrei care era cam somnoros. La ora 7:00 ma i-a spus baiatului :
-Andrei, scoala-te ! Astazi este prima ta zi de scoala !
Andrei raspunse balbait :
-Imi... este somn...
In cele din urma, Andrei s-a trezit si s-a dus la scoala.
Yes by including details about the enviornment