-For a dictionary you would use it when you come across a word while reading books, magazines, or an article on your phone if you see a word you cannot pronounce or do not understand.
-If your using a thesaurus then you should use it to find synonyms for any word except slang as far as I know. A thesaurus can help you find words similar in meaning to JOY which would be: Happy, Joyful, Cheerful etc.
- A glossary is for when your reading a book and you don't understand some words. You open the book then proceed to the back of the book where you will find a lot of words with definitions a lot like dictionaries.
Glad to help! :)
I think people succeed when they set a goal and challenge themselves to reach that goal. You will most likely have a million small successes that only you know about before the world sees any of your success. You have to be happy with not achieving your goal the first time you try and you have to dream. If your dream doesn’t scare you then you’re not dreaming big enough.
Cognates are words from different languages that look similar and mean the same thing. These words are usually derived from and share the same etymological origin, which is an advantage if you're looking forward to learning a new language. For example, several words in other languages such as French and Spanish have similar appearances and meanings in English, with a few even having the same spelling.