To sustain that slaves were not lazy and idle. That they were also intelligent and had desires.
Maria W. Stewart used the thirteen colonies' fight for independence from Great Britain as support to explain that slaves were also intelligent, that they had a drive, that they had ambitions, dreams, and that they were not lazy people crying for freedom. That the knew how to work because they had passed their lives under strong regimes and guidelines to be satisfied. She also recalled how the patriots found inspiration to fight a war with odds against and managed to win.
Answer: 1 is roundtable 2 is panel discussion 3 committee
Examples of the demotic language previously appear on rolls of papyrus.
The Rosetta Stone is a fragment of a stele, which is a stone intended for inscriptions, which could be governmental or religious, and was widely used in ancient Egypt.
In this irregularly shaped stone, it contained fragments of passages written in three different languages: Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Egyptian Demotic. Hieroglyphs are ancient Egyptian writings, difficult to translate and demotic is a simpler, popular version of hieroglyphics. Demotic language had already appeared in ancient papyrus, which was an Egyptian writing material, so based on this, scholars came to the conclusion that demotic language was related to the Egyptian language.
Answer: I could not recall applying to any advertised job, because I currently had a job.
Either, Meroe became very involved in nation trade, or, traders from other lands traveled the Nile to exhchange goods.