I think I am a great person but I have flaws like everybody else. I try my hardest to be kind to others and help people the best that I can. Things get rough sometimes but I am great and pushing through it. My past (mainly talking about last school year) wasnt the best, I focused on other peoples opinions rather than my own. Sometimes people like to bring up my past but I brush it off because I am an amazing person now. I have learned to surround myself with less toxic people who actually make me happy. Ide like to say I am a unique person and am fun to be around. I do not seek validation from others. I love almost everything about myself and learned to embrace my flaws rather than drag myself for them. I like to think that I am an attractive person. I think that if people are going to talk about me it is their loss because I am great and they just seek validation. I am confident and an extrovert who likes to be around people. Overall, Ide say I am a good human being.
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This is False because the town form of government began in New England colonies.