because shadows need structure dont do people because buildins would juat go over them then
Animal I have become by Three days Grace
The type of rock with visible layers is <u>sedimentary rock.</u> This is because they are put down in layers called beds/strata.
In a distinct survey, responding French young adults (aged 15 to 25 years old) stated spending 2.50 hours using the Internet from their smartphone per day, making it 19.50 hours in a week. Furthermore, it appears that people living in cities bigger than 100,000 inhabitants tended to use mobile internet more than inhabitants from smaller cities: 66 percent of French living in big cities said to use their mobile phone to browse the Internet, while 58 percent of residents of rural municipalities did.
Score. music. Score, notation, in manuscript or printed form, of a musical work, probably so called from the vertical scoring lines that connect successive related staves. A score may contain the single part for a solo work or the many parts that make up an orchestral or ensemble composition.
The musical alphabet includes only 7 letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. On the staff, each line or space represents a different letter. The treble clef is also known as the G clef because it indicates that the second line from the bottom will be G. Notice how the clef makes a circle centered on the second line.