Answer:In the three weeks since George Floyd’s death, public opinion on race and policing has zoomed left. Support for Black Lives Matter is skyrocketing. Almost 60 percent of Americans think police are more likely to use excessive force on an African American suspect than a white suspect — a sea change from 2016, when only 34 percent of registered voters said the same. And an overwhelming majority of Americans now say they support a wide variety of police reforms, even if polling suggests that “defend the police” is still a radioactive slogan.
Explanation: Credits: The Washington Post; Public opinion on policing has shifted.
Unit 2: Networks of Exchange (c. 1200-1450):
Improved commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes—including the Silk Roads, trans-Saharan trade network, and Indian Ocean—promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities.
The 14th Amendment.
The thirteenthy amendment freed the slaves, the fourteenth amendment provinded citizenship to all people born in the United States, and the 15th amendment gave righting votes to all men.
I remember this by this handy acronym:
13-- Free
14-- Citizens
15-- Vote.
The study of earth, like map reading, locations on the map, countries, continents, seas/oceans/lakes, mountains/hills (best way I could explain it, sorry if it doesnt make sense)
White Americans are the only ethnic group to not be discriminated against based on race in the United States.