Most people believe you become an adult at the age 18, because you are able to vote, and legally live on your own. Yes most cultures, religions will have a lot to do with becoming an adult, but most importantly your attitude has a huge play in this as well. If you are 18 and you still have the mind set of a child people are going to treat you like a child. The way this impacts the youth today is, they graduate from high school and they don't take responsibility. They have lived with there parents there hole lives and they don't know how to survive on there own. Most 18 year olds now can't even cook let alone maintain there own place. Most 18 year olds still rely on there parents for guidance. A lot has to do with the person and how they were raised, but being an adult is a lot of hard work and responsibility, so it really all comes down to the age and mind set of the person.
Hope this helps!
Helping others preserve their dignity is a key part of service. Dingity is a good trait to have.A good example is the loyalty to mothers.
The sinners that lie on the sand f a desert while fire rains on them in Canto VII are being punished for being consumed with anger during their lives. They are called the Wrathful.