From a state of endangerment, many languages become extinct. When the speakers of a language are exterminated as what happened to Tasmanians in the 19th century, several languages suddenly died. Another reason for the extinction is the pressure exerted on a community to incorporate with a more powerful or larger group.
Quebec in eastern Canada
The number of cases of coronavirus is increasing day by day in Canada. Most of those deaths are in Quebec in eastern Canada. Despite the increase in numbers in Quebec, children were asked to return to classrooms while taking the following precautions.
1. Each class should have a maximum of 15 students.
2. Desks were to be kept at some distance.
Also, schools took several measures to ensure physical and social distancing.
The Minoan period saw extensive trade by Crete with Aegean and Mediterranean settlements, particularly those in the Near East. Through traders and artists, Minoans cultural influence reached beyond Crete to the Cyclades, the Old Kingdom of Egypt, copper-bearing Cyprus, Canaan and the Levantine coast and Anatolia.
A large part of that land area is not conducive to farming or general use. The Canadian Shield covers about a third of the nation. The Arctic permafrost probably covers another third. You cannot farm in either of these areas and the cost of building roads and infrastructure in or through these areas is very high. Other areas have land that could be used for farming but the season is too short. On the lands that are arable, Canadians are reasonably densely populated.
<span>As to softened immigration process, the percentage of permanent residents (generally recent immigrants) has remained fairly steady at less than or at 1% of the population for at least 50 years. Since the birthrates for multi generational Canadians (Canadians whose grand parents or before were immigrants) is so low, Canada needs immigrants to maintain the population at a sustainable level. Yet the processes have not gotten easier. The most recent iteration of the Immigration act has extended the time required for a landed immigrant to live in Canada before being eligible for citizenship (from three years in five to four years in six).</span>