absurd mind is required for earning because you should not need reason to earn you want it and you goota do it . it may be illogical, uh unreasonable but you have to earn
He does have the power to turn into a bat and fly and also hypnotize people
Phrase, Idiom or Sentence
A sequence of words that form a meaning can be a phrase, idiom or a sentence.
A phrase is a group of words that form a meaning. It can be a combination of a preposition and a noun, or an adjective and a noun. <em>Prepositional phrase</em> is for example "in the air", and an <em>adjectival phrase</em> is "a beautiful girl".
An idiom is a phrase that when formed, changes the meaning of the words in a phrase. For example,<em> "It's raining cats and dogs".</em> This sentence doesn't mean that literally cats and dogs fall from the sky, but it has a different meaning, which is <em>"It is heavily raining." </em>
A sentence is a group of words that must consist of at least subject and a verb, which can be followed by other words or phrases. For example, a phrase is <em>"a beautiful girl"</em> - it cannot be a sentence because it doesn't have a verb. If we say <em>"A beautiful girl is here."</em> - we make a sentence, because now it has a <em>subject (A beautiful girl), a verb (is) and a preposition of place (here). </em>
This is Friar Lawrence speaking to Romeo. The line could be rephrased as
How many tears did you shed for the love of Rosaline and how many tears did it take to do that.
Romeo was really one love sick puppy over Rosaline and now he's even more gone on Juliet. Father Lawrence is just in awe of that transformation. Washed is a personification. You should go to this speech and read the rest of it.
Friar Lawrence is really giving Romeo a dressing down and in so doing, he is making a comment about the nature of men in general whose fidelity he thinks little of. It's a wonderful speech. Makes us humble to be called down that way.
If you wanted to create a web page and needed to add different sized heading, the tag that would be used from the list of available options is the header tag.
The user can use <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc to create varying sizes of headings from big to small.