Why, according to the author, has the cultivation of female faculties and education throughout history?
<span>Stem changing verbs have spelling changes in all forms of present tense EXCEPT nosotros(as) & vosotros(as). Stem of verbs are the part of the infinitive that's left after dropping endings such as -ar, -er, or -ir. Pedir translated is "to ask or order". The way you'd put that in present is Yo - Pido. Tu - Pides. El, Ella, Ust. - Pide. Nosotros - Pedimos. Vosotros - Pedis. Ellos, Ellas, Uds. - Piden. Servir is the same way just replace the -ir with the correct change.</span>
- <u>Translated from Portuguese language:</u>
"The gaseous coal is then burned in a gas turbine cycle and part of the residual heat from the exhaust gases is recovered to generate steam for the steam turbine. Currently, the construction of such plants costs about $ 1500 per kW, but their efficiency is about 45%. The average calorific value of coal is about 28,000,000 k J per ton (that is, 28,000,000 k J of heat released when 1 ton of coal is burned). If the mill is to recover its cost difference in five years from fuel savings, determine what the price of coal should be in $ per ton?"
- The price of coal will be around 37 $ per ton. As, a source of energy the coal is more involved in the different industrial and mechanical processes and increases the level of efficiency of different machines by providing a more unique way to obtain greater results.