The Civil War divided the people of the United States. In some cases, the war separated families, as brothers fought against eac
h other. The southern states were on one side of the Civil War. The South wanted to preserve slavery and its agricultural way of life. The northern states were on the other side. The North had many factories and machines, but it had very few farms. The North wanted to end slavery. The causes of the Civil War have been debated among historians for years. Many say that slavery was the root cause. Most historians agree that the Civil War had many causes. The North and South had differences in not only ways of life but also economics and ideals. There were also many arguments between the federal government and the states over rights and powers. Historians mention the disorder of American politics and the constant mistakes of politicians. All explanations for the causes of the Civil War have revolved around the issue of slavery. The grief and bitterness from this war has very slowly declined. Even today, it has not fully disappeared. Q:- Which statement from the passage should be included in the summary?
A. The war separated families, as brothers fought against each other.
B. The South wanted to preserve slavery and its agricultural way of life.
C. Most historians agree that the Civil War had many different causes.
D. The North had many factories and machines, but it had very few farms.
The two reason are development and if a event happens to the character, the character would change his attitude toward life, like someone dying would change the tone of the story.