the 15th Amendment granted the black to vote under the law.
blacks are slave but when it was abolished they gain their full citizenship and right to vote.
The labor market changed radically. Peacetime conflicts concerning race and labor took on a special dimension because of the pressure for national unity. The Hollywood film industry was important for propaganda. Every aspect of life from politics to personal savings changed when put on a wartime footing. This was achieved by tens of millions of workers moving from low to high productivity jobs in industrial centers. Millions of students, retirees, housewives, and unemployed moved into the active labor force. The hours they had to work increased dramatically as the time for leisure activities declined sharply.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was a huge catalyst in sending the nation to the Civil War.
First combat (August 1914)
Russo-Turkish offensive, winter 1915–16.
Brusilov Offensive.
<span>Romania enters the war.</span></span>