A.) Run On. (These are two complete sentences.)
Read the sentence.
I could tell by the mischievous gleam in their eyes and the sneaky looks they were exchanging that my little brother and sister had been planning to deceive me in some way.
The most precise replacement for the underlined word is "_______________."
- Listen to others. Don't make others follow you. Everyone has their own strengths.
- Make yourself heard. This might be the complete opposite to the tip I put before, but it's not. Everyone has their own strengths, including you. If you are smart, try to help your friend with their math homework, or if you are athletic, teach your friend football. Little things that make them feel better.
- Know who is your friend. Peer pressure is something that a lot of leaders struggle with. Don't lead your friends astray and don't get led astray by your friends.
- And lastly, Know your leader. Your leaders, parents, teachers, the principal. Remember to always listen to them, cause they have good advice for you.