l guess the study of sociology or geography
geo is the number 1st answer
B Social Security
It is Federally funded therefore a federal program. It covers retirement and disabled people.
There is a whole bunch of energy trans formation taking place, layers and layers in fact:
First an elecric motor transforms electricity into kinetic energy and thermal energy.That motor turns a magnatron converting producing a specific band width of microwaves particularly well tuned to heating water molecules.
Those microwaves are doing all sorts of stuff:
Most are bouncing off the reflective surface of the fan blades attached to the motor/magnatron assembly and walls of the appliance but some of them are absorbed increasing the energy level and heat of the molecules of those surfaces (kinetic and thermal energy).
Then most of those bounced microwaves hit the food or food vessel the food is in. Some of those photons are absorbed being transferred to kinetic and thermal radiation at a new wave length and some go on their merry way.
Some of those microwaves pass by water molecules which, because water molecules have a polar charge, start spinning, causing transfer of em energy to kinetic energy and then kinetic energy to thermal energy. So again you get kinetic and thermal effects.
What give microwave cooking its unique characteristcs is the interplay between mucrowaves and water in the food. Microwaves are very, very efficient at heating water. So when you microwave food you are effectively steaming the food in its own juices.
Not sure but hope what I know help a little...Slavery was “an unqualified evil to the negro, the white man, and the State,” said Abraham Lincoln in the 1850s. Yet in his first inaugural address, Lincoln declared that he had “no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with slavery in the States where it exists.” He reiterated this pledge in his first message to Congress on July 4, 1861, when the Civil War was three months old.<span>Did You Know?When it took effect in January 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation freed 3.1 million of the nation's 4 million slaves.</span>
What explains this apparent inconsistency in Lincoln’s statements? And how did he get from his pledge not to interfere with slavery to a decision a year later to issue an emancipation proclamation? The answers lie in the Constitution and in the course of the Civil War. As an individual, Lincoln hated slavery. As a Republican, he wished to exclude it from the territories as the first step to putting the institution “in the course of ultimate extinction.”