The United States had to face several challenges in redefining the union after the war. Two main problems were: how to deal with the Southern states that were still angry for losing, and what they should do with the ex-slaves. It was difficult to get American together after many people died in the Civil war and big part of the South was destroyed by the battles.
Apart from that, they had other challenges such as: building a solid economy, creating a stable political system, preserving the national independence (reducing conflicts with other nations and the nation itself), fostering American shipping, consolidating public support, reducing debts, etc.
Sojourner Truth is influential by her well known book ¨Aint I a women "...not only just because of her popularity with the book but mainly because she composed equality within the book , In fact she was in slavery at that time as well. Sojourner is Inspiring because she spoke up for the women who could not . She used her voice when other ones were silenced . However the thing that is influential about her is how she made a big impact by simply speaking up about wowmenś rights and their equality . Sojourner Truth will continue to influence to this day is because she is the one who helped a million voices speak with her voice and her doings .
He argued that there is a hierarchical organization of knowledge and that new information can be incorporated into the already existing hierarchy.
They were mainly agriculture based and slavery was free labor.
3. <em><u>They encouraged the spread of arts and education.</u></em>
5. <em><u>They provided financial support to artists.</u></em>