The most important work was
Explanation: Warren completed History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution in 1805, making her the first woman to write a history of the Revolution.
The explosion occurred outside the ship.
People on shore were cheering after the explosion.
nationalism: it is great to have a sense on national pride and togetherness although if it gets out of hand it can be almost brainwashing and used to control citizens.
militarism: being prepared and having sufficient miliatry resources avalivable can be great IF there is an attack although it can be viewed as intimidating and scare off allies. also it can cause other resources to thin
Your answer is C) Lincoln-Douglass Debates; Election of 1860; Secession of Confederate States; Gettysburg Address
This is actually my third time answering the same questions, but from different people of course, also if you need more help on this subject, feel free to contact me.
Because of the terroist attack on 9/11 of the twin towers.