<u>Skin:</u> The skin acts as a barrier against external agents that could affect such as microorganisms, changes in temperature, etc.
<u>Excretes waste:</u> The excretion process, is done mainly by lungs (release of carbon dioxide), kidneys (elimination of excess compounds such as nitrogen) and the skin (sweat regulates temperature but also regulates the concentration of salts within the body)
<u>Nails:</u> It protects the soft tissues surrounding the distal phalanx, but it also exerts pressure over on the digits which allows more precission in the movements.
<u>Kidneys:</u> Eliminate waste from the blood and regulate body fluids, by generating urine.
<u>Bladder:</u> In charge of storing the urine produced by the kidneys, for the urination process to be controlled and not so frecuent.
d.The wing-assisted incline running theory postulates that wings were initially used to maintain balance while climbing up slopes.
Two theories were given to explain the origin of avian flight. The top-down theory suggested that the birds' ancestors were tree dwelling species. They took help of wings to glide from tree to tree in order to avoid predator or catch prey. The bottom up theory suggested that the birds' ancestors were ground dwelling species. They took help of wings to maintain a balance and provide a lift for efficient running.
Wing-assisted incline running was a mixture of both the above theories and gave a balanced view point. According to it, birds' ancestors used wings to maintain a balance while running up inclined slopes. The wings helped them to save energy while scaling slopes and eventually a flight mechanism was also developed.
The answer is 2.29 as the average velocity.
C. The bacteria have high genetic variability and high reproductive rates.