Yes it’s true............
The government keeps records so we can know, when we need, about the history of our country and its individuals.
Our government also ensures law enforcement by hiring the right people to represent and keep the law and the structures of our society running.
The government also assures us that we can change governors or keep them by voting if we are satisfied or unsatisfied with them.
The government also has the obligation to provide public services to make our lives and specially the lives of the less fortunate easier with the tax money that we pay with our hard work.
Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea
The Dardanelles have been of great strategic importance for a very long time, and they still continue to be. Stalin wanted to get it under his control because it was going to put the Soviet Union in an excellent situation, be it economically or military. The importance of the Dardanelles is so big because it is the place that connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Black Sea. Also, it is also the place that separates Europe and Asia, and of the most important trading routes. Despite the interest Stalin had, it never came to a situation that the Soviets attacked to capture this place.