Socrates's approach to seeking knowledge, and some of his fellow Athenians find it controversial is described below in detail.
Socrates evolved the dialectical method for obtaining knowledge. He practiced an inductive approach to argumentation to generate universal explanations. This was his approach to the certainty that would be developed by Plato. Socrates highlighted knowledge all his life because he considered that “the intelligence to differentiate between right and wrong rests in people's understanding, not in society.”
That they were screwed and they were gonna die
Socrates comes a sustained inquiry into ethical matters—an orientation towards human living and the best life for human beings. With Plato comes one of the most creative and flexible ways of doing philosophy, which some have since attempted to imitate by writing philosophical dialogues covering topics still of interest today in ethics, political thought, metaphysics, and epistemology.
I dont know if this is an optional choice question if so this is probabaly wrong on the ABCD scale so you can report this but otherwise if not:
People make up there mind with the knowledge of there own opinions and what <em>is</em><em> </em>factual to them so to change there minds is because it is based on other peoples opinions and this makes sense ( the easiest way to explain it is as if its a filter going through this persons brain and them identifying if this is factual to them or not in <em>their</em> opinion) to them so, after they go through this process of <em>proving</em> this other information that they held so kindly to there truth, <em>wrong</em> this suddenly changes there mind. By what they think is factual enough to believe <em>at least to them. </em><em>It</em><em> </em><em>can</em><em> </em><em>be</em><em> </em><em>diffe</em><em>rent</em><em> </em><em>for</em><em> </em><em>everyone</em><em> </em><em>else</em><em>.</em><em> </em>
twelve month calendar is an
advancement in the technology of
Ancient Egypt.