In the U.S., There are some powers delegated to the government only, and others that are reserved to the states. However, there are powers that both the government and the states have and can exercise simultaneously within the U.S. territory, these are called concurrent powers. The areas in which the federal govenrment and the states have concurrent power include in the power to tax, make roads, protect the environment, establish bankruptcy laws, create lower courts and regulate elections, among others.
Gun control measures passed by President Clinton requiered background checks to buy guns. This is known as the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, often referred to as the Brady Act or Brady Bill. This act mandated federal background checks on firearms purchasers in the United States, and imposed a five-day waiting period on purchases, until the NICS system was implemented.
1. summons = a document that orders a person to appear before the court
2. capital crime = a serious crime that is punishable by death
3. damages = an action that causes damages
4. tort = a monetary award that a defendant gives to a plaintiff in a civil case
5. indictment = a formal written accusation of a crime, which leads to a trial