Mutations present permanent and heritable changes in the genome. We distinguish gene and chromosome mutations. Mutations in the level of genes are called point mutations because only one to several nucleotides are changed. These processes are known as deletion, insertion, and substitution. Deletion presents a loss of nucleotides which changes DNA sequence. When new nucleotides are embedded in the DNA chain, it is known as insertion. Substitution implies the process where new nucleotides are inserted while the ones that were present in that specific spot in a DNA molecule are deleted.
Mutations can also appear in chromosomes altering their number and structure. There are four types of mutations - deletion, duplication, inversion, and translocation. In deletion, a whole or one part of a chromosome is lost. Duplication presents an extra copy of a whole or one part of a chromosome. In an inversion, parts of a chromosome change order, while in translocation a part of one chromosome detaches and then connects to another.
hope this helps
the answer is pretty obvious it would be a a because a dominant allele would be to Capitol a and a lower capital a and one capital a would be a mix and a purebred would be to lowercase A's
Answer: Genetic drift may result in the loss of some alleles (including beneficial ones) and the fixation, or rise to 100% frequency, of other alleles.Once it begins, genetic drift will continue until the involved allele is either lost by a population or is the only allele present at a particular gene locus within a population. ... Genetic drift can result in the loss of rare alleles, and can decrease the size of the gene pool.
The heat to evaporate the water in the sweat comes from the skin and provides a cooling effect. The body then does not overheat. hope it help
People commit crimes for many different reasons. whether it is for the excitment and thrill of it or whether they were forced to or peer preasured on by another person. Maybe they robbed a bank cause they needed money or they were under the influence of drugs or alchohol