The madal is a folk musical instrument of Nepal . The madal is used mainly for rhythm-keeping in Nepalese folk music. It is very popular and widely used as hand drum in Nepal. The Madal consists of a cylindrical body with a slight bulge at its center and heads at both ends, one head larger than the other. It is usually played horizontally in a seated position, with both heads played simultaneously.
The main reason pilgrims often have hard times attracting followers is the fear of change.
Minimal government involvement in the economy.
Trump (does not support as much) Biden does support it
<em>Trump- </em>
Cuts taxes and provides leeway to the major companies to treat their employees however they want. An example of this is seen in Amazon where the people aren't allowed to unionize, have little to no healthcare insurance and are easily replaceable.
<em>Biden- </em>
Tax higher after $400k and target the larger companies while providing more options for people to be insured.
They wanted to improve the economic situation of the black people