It is option 2
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a document that acts like a global road map for freedom and equality – protecting the rights of every individual, everywhere. ... The Declaration outlines 30 rights and freedoms that belong to all of us and that nobody can take away from us.
The chief who lived in the village of Werowocomoco was Pocahontas' father Powhatan. He was a paramount chief of the Tsenacommacah and was actually chief of around 30 tribes.
police station or watch house for processing before taking you to court or releasing you on bail.
Something Just Like This is about a relationship that doesn't need to be superhumanly perfect, an ordinary love, a love everyone deserves like the boy on the cover art whose childhood memories are now boxed up. Coldplay is one of our biggest inspirations and this song was an absolute dream come true to make.