<em>The Call of the Wild, </em>was written by Jack London, an American author who was born in San Francisco in 1876. This story tells the experiences of a huge St. Bernard dog called Buck, who after living a laid-back and peaceful life in California is kidnapped by a gardener and taken to the Klondlike region in Canada to pull sleds in the snow to go gold hunting. In the end, Buck not only changes owners several times, but most of his life and experiences take place in the northern regions of Canada and in the end, despite his love for his latest master, John Thornton, who saved him from abuse, Buck feels a deeper calling to return to the wilderness and ends up as the leader of a pack of wolves. However, in this particular excerpt of the story, the setting in which this portion takes place is the Santa Clara Valley in California, where Buck lives with the Millers, his adopting family.
In another country takes place in Milan, Italy.
Bleak means charmless and inhospitable; dreary. It gives the mood that everything is very dull.
Beowulf's greatest enemy is no monster but himself and his pride, or hubris. It is his greatest weakness which results in his death. It is predicted or foreshadowed throughout the entire story. Begining with the stories of his youth and then his private conversations with Hrothgar in Heorot. His avarice and obsession for the attention of his friends are the result of his pride, not separate characterstics.
"Use an appropriate level of formality."
Questions and disagreements are allowed to happen in effective interactions. However, formality is very important for effectiveness.