You have to do exactly what it says I am not wasting my time just ask your mom dad brother or sister.
in the sweet hereafter by russell banks, mitchell stephens (a lawyer) approachs billy ansel at one point and offers billy legal representation. billy however refuses mitchell's offer of legal representation. billy doesn't want to be involved in a lawsuit like the other parents of children who died in the bus accident do because no amount of money can bring billy's children (his twins) back to him. billy has no need for money for his loss and does not want it either.
Plural verbs go with singular subjects (False), so (D) is your answer.
An example would be "The cat are fun."
"God places the two people, Adam and Eve, in the idyllic garden of Eden, encouraging them to procreate and to enjoy the created world fully, and forbidding them to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. ... Sent out into the world, Adam and Evegive birth to two sons, Cain and Abel."