First you must define terms, "monotheistic" meaning the belief that there is one god or God. (mono meaning one). Faiths meaning you put your trust, hope, and will, in to something. Most people don't use the term faith correctly. Most people who have "faith", is just another way of saying "i hope the universe is in my favor!!!" For more info read some Ralph Waldo Emerson his quotes are about the universe conspiring to do things, anyway, My opinion as a christian man I believe that the other religions are wrong. Although that doesn't mean we hate other religions like Mormonism or the belief in homosexuality. We love everyone. I approach the ideas of other religions that conflict my own with a closed but loving fist.
B. Closeness to the sea and favorable climate are factors taken into consideration for optimum farming and herding conditions.
People often obey a gevernment out of habit. Obviously habit is not something a new government has on it's side.
People hate a government which hurts them. Because people had time to adapt to old laws (murder illegal? work as potato farmer rather than assasin!) they are more hurt by old governments than new ones.
Whenever a country is 'liberated' either by external or internal forces, the liberators make all kinds of promises to all kinds of people. Some of these promises at least will be broken, causing members of the new ruling class to turn against eachother.
And often new governments lose the services of the most experienced police and propaganda men who worked for the old regime and our thus less able to defend themselves than established ones.
They make weather predictions once every two hours. They are accurate because they process small amounts of data. They increase the amount of time between when a warning is issued and the time the tornado hits
The colonies fought for their independence and freedom from British rule.
hope this helps :)