Veranius "El padre de la geografia moderna"
Isaac Newton
Alejandro von Humboldt
Karl Ritter
En la epoca moderna se palnteo la idea de que la geografia deberia dvidirse en dos partes "geografia general" y "geografia regional".
Conjugating a verb? That's what I would call it, but honestly, not hundred percent sure what you are talking about.
its sunny-the sun is out its warm outside kids might be playing outside its raining-its cloudy outside kids are probably not playing out and theirs water falling from the sky. its snowy-theirs snow falling from the sky kids playing with it and its probably below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. its windy-its a great time to go outside and fly a kite
I think it is answer a but I’m not 100 percent
Answer: Read the sentences
1. A nosotros se nos perdieron las llaves del carro
2. A ustedes se les olvidó ponerse las inyecciones
3. A tí se te cayeron los papeles del médico
4. A Marcos se le rompió la pierna cuando esquiaba
5. A mi se me dañó la cámara durante el viaje
6. A vosotros se les quedó los documentos en casa