<span>The Cold War was conflict between two ideologies: Democracy
versus Communism. When World War II
ended, there was now a power struggle between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. Both built alliances with other countries in
a bit to support their ideals. They
provided their allies with financial and military support to ensure that their
interests were protected. Many countries
were devastated during this period and it was only during the dismantling of
the Communist regime did the Cold War come to an end.</span>
President Anwar Sadat of Egypt had worked together with Israel's prime minister Menachem Begin, at the urging of US President Jimmy Carter. They met at Camp David in the US for 12 days in September of 1978, and worked out the Camp David Accords. Egypt and Israel later signed the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty in March of 1979 -- a peace between Egypt and Israel that has lasted to the present day.
Sadat, however, paid a price for his peace efforts. Islamist activists in Egypt heatedly opposed him because of his moderation. Sadat was assassinated in October, 1981.
"The Communist Party destroyed churches, synagogues, and mosques, ridiculed, harassed, incarcerated and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with anti-religious teachings, so they introduced their own belief system called "scientific atheism," with its own rituals, promises and proselytizers."
The Common Man or aka, Thomas Jefferson
American federation of labor