Yeah ,you're good. i read through and checked
The most convincing consideration made by the author is that in America there was freedom, since no individual was responsible for maintaining aristocrats and nobles. Each person was only responsible for himself and worked to enrich himself, something that the English could not do.
Letters from an American Farmer is a series of texts written by J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur. The texts are written in a letter format where the author reasons about the exploitation of america, american identity, the advantages that america has and even slavery.
The third letter is entitled "what is an American?" where the author replies that to be an American is to have freedom and autonomy. He reinforces this argument by informing that in Europe, people do not have freedom and autonomy, because they are trapped by an aristocracy that they need to maintain. In that case, workers do not work to enrich themselves, but rather their princes. This does not exist in America, where each individual is not responsible for any noble person, but for himself and works for his own success.
my cricket the name of Bella<span>
In the given
statement, "The Caribbean sea is a great location for deep-sea fishing."
The phrase "a great location for deep-sea fishing" is the adjective
phrase of the sentence.
Phrases are group of words that doesn't
have a complete thought unlike clauses that can stand alone since it has
a subject and predicate whereas a phrase doesn't.
An adjective phrase is one type of phrase to describe a noun or pronoun subject in a sentence.</span>
After a long stressful test, I was going to spend the day with my best friend, Katherine, for the first time after, so long now that her mom trusted me more. “Honk!’’ was the sound I heard that signaled me that Katherine’s dad was here. She opened the door, as usual because she was so courteous to me at school. I got into the rusty gray Honda. Once I got into the car I knew it was out of my comfort zone because it was my first time meeting Katherine’s Dad outside of school. “Hello, Katherine 's dad,” I said tentatively. He responded back with a simple hello and simply resumed his talk with Katherine as if she had never left the car. They were talking, so quick I had no idea what to do, so I kept quiet the whole car ride and looked out the window. The whole car ride was of a foreign language I had barely heard Katherine speak at school, when her mom, my 5th grade math teacher came around. Now as if she had been liberated from those chains that kept her from speaking her native language, she spoke endlessly with her dad. We arrived at our destination and to my surprise, it was a church.
I had never my life been to church on a Saturday afternoon, most likely because my mom and I only had time to come to church on Sunday´s.So many things were happening at the same time in the same room where Katherine’s dad left us. This was one of the best journey and I will always cherish it in my memories.
The government doctors should be forbidden from taking expensive gifts from pharma companies. Accepting expensive gifts creates familiarity threats.
Government doctors are professional who have to follow code of conduct of objectivity and integrity. There is a special duty of care as they are national servants and citizens of the country place reliance on them. If they are involved in any immoral activities there will be lack of reliance in the entire staff. If the government doctors accepts gifts and prescribes a medicine due to familiarity threat the people will go to private doctors for the treatment.