Vous venez chez moi à cinq heures.
Have a good day !! :-)
Answer: this answers should be inserted on the line
1. est sorti
2. etes entré(e)
3. a passé
4. sommes sortis
5. est rentré
6. est entré
7. est retourné
8. sont rentrés
9. suis retourné(e)
10. suis rentré(e)
it's the same from the scary fairy tail same
for the first one it's pouvez
for the second one its also pouvez
Dettol is chemically a phenol derivative known as parachlorometaxylenol (PCMX) or simply chloroxylenol. Dettol is an antiseptic and disinfectant which can be applied wounds whereas phenol is corrosive and cannot be used for human application. Phenol being corrosive is limited for use as disinfectant on inanimate objects. Dettol is non-corrosive.