B. High priest
The Brahmins specialised as intellectual, priest, teachers, and protectors.
Thank you for the posting of the question however it seems that there is no sense to this question. can you read the question yourself and determine if someone else without your paper/computer screen can interpret this reasonably well? is this even english question
Lovborg believes that he can confide in Hedda because she has an unwavering hold over him. When they were together prior to her marriage to George, she made him tell her everything, even the wicked things he had done, many of which he states were not the type of things one tells in mixed company. She had so bewitched him that realized, with her, he could hold nothing back, she would find a way to pry it out of him. This is demonstrated in the manner in which Hedda led him to break his sobriety. For him, it was impossible to say "no" to her, even though he knew it might cause him pain and that she might, later, use it against him.
D. Mark usually cuts the author's Hair
Because your explaining to your teacher the cause and effect.