How old was Rigoberta Menchú when she learned Spanish? To which ethnic group did Rigoberta Menchú belong? How does Rigoberta Menchu describe her parents? At the beginning of Part Two, what happens to Rigoberta's father? Where did Rigoberta Menchu's family live and what did they grow on their land? write in complete sentences the answers in the form of a short essay (10 pts.) What were (2) obstacles that Rigoberta's father had to overcome. Respond with examples from the reading (2 pts.) What are (2) of the agricultural products mentioned in the text? (2 Pts.) Write (1) incident event that impacted you. Explain why it affected you. (2 pts.) Write one (1) of the themes that appear in Menchú's work and support your answer with a specific example from the reading. (2. Rigoberta Menchủa Guatemalan peasant woman won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992 for her political work on behalf of her people. She mentions (2) obstacles that Rigoberta overcame to excel as she has done in her life (Pts.)
Well, I can't help you write the whole essay, but if you want I can give you some tips!
Querida familia: Hace dos días que llegué a mi nuevo barrio y ya me encanta. Hay una panadería que hace el pan como el de casa y enfrente hay una pescadería que vende un pescado fresquísimo. Necesito encontrar un supermercado que no este lejos. busco un estacionamiento que sea gratis y en el que pueda dejar el coche a cualquier hora. De momento, no conozco a nadie que quiera compartir el piso conmigo, pero eso no me preocupa.
Identifying the narrator, gender, number and time indicated by a sentence is the first step that must be taken. This is very important to be able to logically conjugate the verbs, and that these have concordance with what is being expressed.
youre welcome
excuse me
pleasure is mine
whats your name
what is your name
my name is
how are you
how are you
how are you
whats up
and you
and you
very good/well
fairly good
like always
not so good
so so
*spanish is my first language, hope this helped!*